The conveyor middle trough of the improved for stress analysis, theoretically proved the correctness of the optimization program. 对改进前后输送机中部槽进行应力分析,从理论上验证了优化方案的正确性。
As the conveyor travels through the aligning section, the peaches are rotated by aligning wheels which protrude trough holes in the bottom of the cups. 输送到前行过程通过矫位工段,桃由料杯底部洞口突出的矫位轮旋转定位。
At present, the usual design method of pipe conveyor is the same as that of traditional trough belt conveyor in many ways. The different aspect is that the value of running resistance coefficient is larger than that of traditional belt conveyor. 目前,圆管带式输送机各种阻力的计算采用与通用带式输送机的设计计算相同的方法,不同的是主要阻力计算中的运行阻力系数的数值大于通用带式输送机的系数。